Meny Stäng



Böcker på svenska 

DROPSY, Jacques. Den harmoniska kroppen. En osynlig övning. Bokförlaget Natur och kultur, 1984

HENDRICKS, Gay. Andningsövningar för ett bättre liv. Svenska Dagbladets Förlags AB, 1996

HENDRICKS, Gay & Kathlyn. Kroppens egen intelligens: personlig förändring genom kroppsorienterad terapi. Svenska dagbladet, 1995

MINETT, Gunnel. Livets källa – om andningens kraft och förmåga att läka. Orsa: Energica Förlag, 2003

MINETT, Gunnel. Andningen som helande kraft. Orsa: Energica Förlag, 1994

SISSON, Colin P. Konsten att integrera sin andning. Live Inspiration Ltd, 2001

TUULSE, Lena-Kristina. Livslust – vägen till livet och kärleken. Orsa: Energica Förlag, 2003

VALFRIDSSON, Inga-Lill. Lär dig andas -andningsmetoder för hälsa, personlig utveckling och ökat välbefinnande. Forum, 2004.

VALFRIDSSON, Inga–Lill. Mod att möta förändringar – inspiration, kunskap, vägledning. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 2001


Böcker på engelska 

Avid, Pauline, & McNab, David: Healing Disease with Rebirthing, Mrtenjai Press, Wellington, New Zealand.

Begg, Deike: Rebirthing Freedom From your Past, Thorsons, Hammersmith, London W6 8JB, 1999.

Dowling, Catherine: Rebirthing and Breathwork: A Powerful Technique for Personal Transformation. Piatkus, UK, 2000.

Fried, Robert: The Psychology and Physiology of Breathing in Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Psychology, and Psychiatry. Plenum Publishing, 1993.

Hendricks, Ph.D., Gay: Conscious Breathing, Breathwork for Health, Stress Release, and Personal Mastery, Bantam Books, New York, 1995.

Grof, Stanislov: Psychology of the Future, SUNY, NY, 2000.

Johnson, Don Hanlon: Breathwork and Somatics, A review of Bone Breath And Gesture: Practices of Embodiment, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 1995

Jones, Eve: An Introduction to Rebirthing for Health Professionals, Life Unlimited Books, Los Angeles, CA, 1982.

Kravitz, Judith: Breath Deep, Laugh Loudly, The Joy of Transformational Breathing, Free Press, West Hartford, CT, 1999.

Leboyer, Frederick: Birth Without Violence, Penguin, 1990.

Lewis, Denis: The Tao of Natural Breathing: For Health, Well-Being, And Inner Growth. Mountain Wind Publish, San Francisco, CA, 1997.

Leonard, Jim, and Laut, Phil: Rebirthing – The Science of Enjoying All of Your Life, Trinity Publication, California, 1983.

Mandel, Bob, and Ray, Sondra: Birth and Relationships, Celestial Arts, California, 1987.

Manne, Joy. Soul Therapy, Atlantic Books, U.S., 1997.

Manne, Joy. Conscious Breathing:How Shamanic Breathwork Can Transform Your Life, Atlantic Books, U.S., 2004.

Minett, Gunnel: Breath and Spirit, The Aquarian Press, London, 1994.

Minett, Gunnel, ed.: The Spirit of Breathwork, International Breathwork Foundation, UK, 2001.

Morningstar, Jim: Breathing in Light and Love – Your Call to Breath and and Body Mastery, Transformations Incorporated, Wisconsin, 1994.

Orr, Leonard, and Ray, Sondra: Rebirthing in the New Age, Celestial Arts, California, 1977.

Ray, Sondra: Celebration of Breath, Celestial Arts, California, 1983.

Ray, Sondra: Loving Relationships II, Celestial Arts, California, 1983.

Saraswati, Swami Ambikananda: Principles of Breathwork, Thorsons, UK, 1999.

Sisson, Colin P.: Inner Adventures, Total Press, New Zealand.

Sisson, Colin P.: Rebirthing Made Easy, Hay House, California, 1987.

Sisson, Colin P.: Breath of Life, Total Press Ltd., New Zealand, 1989.

Sparks, Tav: The Wide Open Door: The Twelve Steps, Spiritual Tradition & the New Psychology, Hazleton, Center City, MN 1993.

Taylor, Kylea: The Breathwork Experience: Exploration of Healing in Nonordinary State of Consciousness, Hanford Mead, California, 1994.